Vaventis accept Component Award at International Passive House Conference 2016 in Darmstadt

Jerom Van Beuzekom, Vaventis, accepts the PHI Component Award

Jerom Van Beuzekom, Vaventis, accepts the PHI Component Award

Our Managing Director, Aubrey Nuzum attended the International Passive House Conference in Darmstadt, Germany last weekend and was delighted to witness Jerom Van Beuzekom of client company Vaventis accepting a major award. The award recognises the product in relation to ventilation for energy retrofits, scoring highly in the areas of comfort, suitability, integration and design, planning aspects, energy savings and cost effectiveness.

Component Award: Ratings

Component Award: Ratings


Component Award 2016: Ventilation concepts for energy retrofits.

Component Award 2016: Ventilation concepts for energy retrofits.

As a result of winning award, there was keen interest from conference delegates to find out more about the product and the Vaventis team enjoyed a very busy two days at the show. We believe that Vaventis are worthy winners of the award as they have been relentless in their pursuit of an energy efficient solution to decentralised ventilation with heat recovery. The core of the fresh-r® unit is a patented fine wire heat exchanger that consists of 8 km ultra thin copper wire with a total weight of less then 0.5 kg. With a heat transfer coefficient of 400 W/mK copper transfers heat 1000 times better than polyethylene of which traditional heat exchangers are made. Using ebm-papst  fans, the low pressure drop in the heat exchanger and the aerodynamic design,  the fresh-r has the highest capacity on the market at 30dB(a).  Combined with intelligent controls it has a higher overall efficiency, which results in more comfortable air coming in and a shorter payback time of the fresh-r®

Vaventis Stand at International Passive House Conference 2016

Vaventis Stand at International Passive House Conference 2016


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